Jaycee Rolf GENERAL; – March 2 will forever hold a significant place in the Rolf family’s history. It marks the day they welcomed their second daughter in the backseat of a Ford Explorer, a remarkable event that has gained considerable attention on social media.
Jaycee Rolf vividly remembers the day she gave birth to her now six-month-old daughter, whom she affectionately refers to as her “angel baby.”
As a nurse practitioner, Rolf awoke around 3:00 a.m. that morning, experiencing light contractions occurring every 5 to 10 minutes. The situation gradually intensified throughout the day, prompting her mother and two close friends to rush to her side for support. Rolf notes that her doula arrived around 10:00 a.m., and nearly two and a half hours later, it was advised that she proceed to the hospital.
During the initial ten minutes of the drive from Hartford to Slocomb, Rolf did not experience any contractions. However, this brief period of relief ended upon reaching the intersection of Highway 52 and South Brannon Stand Road. “I felt Frances move down the birth canal, and she was crowning. I actually exclaimed, ‘I’m about to have this baby,’” Rolf recounted. “We took it one contraction at a time, believing we would make it.”
Upon arriving under the awning of Flowers Hospital approximately 15 minutes later, Rolf reported that the baby’s head had emerged, prompting her husband, 27-year-old Daniel Rolf, to rush inside for assistance. Having previously worked in the ER as a nurse, Rolf was familiar with the staff who came to her aid. At 2:12 p.m., Frances Louise Rolf entered the world.